
Hampshire Ladies Golf

HLG Veterans Championships Division 1 Rules

18 hole medal competition for Handicap Index + to 20.0 For players of 60 years young and above.

1. Full members may play in all events. All players must have a WHS Handicap Index. Associate
members may enter all events except the County Championship.
(All ladies who belong to clubs affiliated to Hampshire are County members. Full Members are ladies
whose only or main county is Hampshire. Associate Members are those ladies who are Full Members
of another county and are also a member of a club affiliated to Hampshire).
2. There shall be no competition unless 30 or more entries are received.
3. All competitions shall be played in accordance with the Rules of Golf as approved by R&A Rules
Limited and with Local Rules as may be approved by the Competition Committee. In addition, the
England Golf Hard card and Pace of Play policy will be used.
4. Players must walk at all times unless permitted to ride by the Competition Committee in accordance
with the England Golf Transportation Policy.
5. Caddies are permitted and are the responsibility of their player. No professional golfer can caddy.
6. Any disputes or breaches of the Rules to be referred to the Competition Director and then to the
Competition Committee, whose decision shall be final.
7. A player may obtain distance information by use of a distance-measuring device. If, during a
stipulated round, a player uses a DMD to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect her
play (e.g., elevation changes, wind speed, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 4.3a.
8. In the event of adverse weather conditions, the Competition Committee reserves the right to alter
the format of the competition in order to achieve a result.
9. No player may receive more than one Prize voucher in any event. Ties for all stroke play Trophies
and Prizes and the last qualifying places for match play events shall be decided by card count back
over the last 18, 9, 6, 3 or last hole.
10. No refunds will be made once the start sheet has been posted except in very exceptional circumstances,
any such claim being at the discretion of the organising County Official.
11. The following competitions are primarily Scratch competitions, with some Prize vouchers being
awarded for the Best Handicap scores:
Championship qualifying rounds, Seniors' Championship, Foursomes Championship Division 1 and
the Autumn Meeting Division 1.
The following competitions are primarily Handicap competitions, with some Prize vouchers being
awarded for the Best Scratch scores:
Salver/Challenge Bowl, Bronze Championship, Veterans' Championship Divisions 1 and 2,
Foursomes Championship Division 2 and the Autumn Meeting Division 2.
12. By entering any HLG competition you consent to your name, club and handicap information being
published to the HLG website in start sheets, draws, results and competition/match reports.
It is hoped and expected that all prize winners will attend the prize presentation after each event.

Please contact if you have any dietary or mobility requirements

The contact for this competition is Competition Admin

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